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Medjugorje Website Updates no mēnesis Jūlijs, 2008

2.Jūlijs.2008. /  Section: Dievmātes vēstījumi no Medjugorjes - Category: Mirjana
Dārgie bērni! Ar mātišķu mīlestību es ilgojos jūs mudināt uz tuvākmīlestību. Lai Mans Dēls Jēzus kļūst jums kā mīlestības avots. Viņš, kurš varēja savas visvarenības spēkā izdarīt jebko, ir izvēlējies mīlestības ceļu, lai dotu jums paraugu. Vienlīdz arī šodien Dievs caur Mani sūta jums savu bezgalīgo labestību un jums, bērni, ir pienākums atsaukties uz to. Ar tādu pašu labestību un augstsirdību jums ir jāizturas pret dvēselēm, kuras sastopat. Lai jūsu mīlestība tās atgriež. Tādā veidā Mans Dēls un Viņa Mīlestība atdzims jūsos.
Vēl Dievmāte piebilda: Jūsu sirdīs un jūsu lūgšanās vienmēr lai ir ieskauti jūsu gani - garīgie vadītāji.
2.Jūlijs.2008. /  Section: Medjugorje News & Articles - Category: Medjugorje in the Catholic Church / Author: Mark Miravalle
Medjugorje Real

The reported apparitions of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Bosnia-Herzegovina (former Yugoslavia) have attracted the attention of the world and approximately 30 million pilgrims. Since June 24, 1981, six children began to report daily visits from the "Queen of Peace" and several of the "visionaries" continue to report receiving a daily apparition from the Mother of Jesus over 25 years later.

Is Medjugorje real? Are these authentic apparitions of the Virgin Mary? What is the official position of the Catholic Church about their authenticity? Could these simply be the fraudulent deception of hysteric children (now adults) for reasons of attention and personal gain?

2.Jūlijs.2008. /  Section: Medjugorje Videos[EN] - Category: Testimonies
Maria Vallejo Nagera

The Spanish famous author Maria Vallejo-Nagera speaks about her conversion at Medjugorje.

6.Jūlijs.2008. /  Section: Medjugorje Videos[EN] - Category: Song lyrics included, Music with pictures
Doris Dragovic Medugorje

Song "Medugorje" of Croatian singer Doris Dragovic, including lyrics in Croatian and English language.

13.Jūlijs.2008. /  Section: Medjugorje Videos[EN] - Category: Medjugorje Pilgrimages, Music with pictures
Medjugorje Voice Peace

Beautiful Music Video capturing the Spirit of Medugorje. The sound track Medjugorje-'The Voice of Peace' is used on a TV Documentary on Medugorje called MEDUGORJE COME AND SEE.

25.Jūlijs.2008. /  Section: Dievmātes vēstījumi no Medjugorjes - Category: Monthly Messages
Dārgie bērni! Šajā laikā, kad jūs domājiet par atpūtu miesai, es aicinu jūs uz atgriešanos. Lūdzieties un strādājiet tā, lai jūsu sirdis būtu izslāpušas pēc Dieva Radītāja, kurš ir patiesa atpūta jūsu dvēselei un miesai. Lai Viņš jums atklāj savu vaigu un lai apdāvina jūs ar savu mieru. Es esmu ar jums un aizbildinu par ikvienu no jums Dieva priekšā. Pateicos, ka atsaucāties manam aicinājumam.
20.Jūlijs.2008. , Last update 29.Jūlijs.2008. /  Section: Medjugorje News & Articles - Category: Medjugorje News
Other languages: English, Čeština, Deutsch, Hrvatski, Italiano
Andrea Bocelli Concert Medjugorje

Medjugorje in early August, will host one of the most famous opera singers of today, the Italian tenors Andrea Bocelli, who will with the Czech National Symphony Orchestra perform in front of the church of St. Joseph. Organizers expect more than a hundred thousand visitors. The concert will transmit in Croatian television FTV, state public television Televizija Federacije Bosne i Hercegovine.

20.Jūlijs.2008. , Last update 30.Augusts.2008. /  Section: Medjugorje News & Articles - Category: Free downloads[EN]
Songs David Burke

On the website, David Burke offers freely in mp3 format his music composition of Hail Mary (including sheet music).

On the website, you can also find a beautiful and touching song We want to see the world, in mp3 format or provided as a video presentation with the song playing on background. Music sheet and lyrics are also available. One can also find a link for free songs and other informations related to musical Wonders of His Love.

Update: there is now also available a new nice song His Light Upon My Rosary


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