By Louise Roseingrave
The body was thrashing; it took six men to control its charged strength. The crowd was praying feverishly in Italian, ‘Santa Maria, prega per noi.’ Those words now etched in my memory. I had gone with an open mind to Medjugorje, Bosnia Herzegovina, where Our Lady has been appearing to six visionaries for the past 32 years. But I wasn’t expecting to meet the devil.
I was wandering by St James’ Church, where millions of pilgrims attend beautiful masses and prayer services, when I stumbled upon an exorcism.
Mara Santangelo racconta a Lorela Cuccarini la sua esperienza di fede a Medjugorje.
Our next lecturer, is Father Timotej Maria Pavel Vácha, a religious, a Norbertine. Among other things, he had first completed a police academy, he was an officer of the presidential guard of Prague and he had substituted his sort with a rosary. Now he is Our Lady's guard. For several years, he was also a model, and in Medjugorje he could affirm his priestly vocation.
I giovani e la fede, Mara Satangelo partecipa alla puntata speciale di Matrix.
By Tanja Popec
Coming to Medjugorje for many is a chance to search for a miracle, apparitions or some special message. Even theologians question about religious curiosity and wonder whether something special indeed happens there. Theologians, perhaps, even more than the others, always have a certain personal struggle since they have heritage of personal knowledge, discipline, obedience to hierarchy and their personal life with God, who even when He is silent, speaks a lot. Many have asked me how I feel about apparitions in Medjugorje? But, I do not think that it is up to me to decide whether those apparitions are for real and where do they come from. Actually, my faith is not bigger because of the apparitions nor it is smaller. I am waiting for the opinion of the Holy Father who will give the final judgment when the time for that comes.
By Jakob Marschner
Elena Artioli’s type of brain disease never vanishes or decreases in size. But hers did after she went to Medjugorje. Her Italian specialist knows of no other cases in the world when this has happened. To Elena herself, her spiritual renewal is the greatest miracle and gift that she received.
This is my personal experience of, and witness to Medjugorje. I would like you to share this post to draw more attention to the best place on earth, so that others may have the opportunity to fall in love with Medugorje, Mother Mary, and ultimately Her beloved Son Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.
[0:38:30]: "... preso la machina so tornata a Milano, ....
E incontrato e un amico che io conosce a due anni. E per due ore io di parlato di questa felicita, di Dio, di galline, di patate; e lui per due ore che mi guardava con bocca aperta; e dopo due ore mi fa:
'Ania, ma che droga ti fanno fumare a Medjugorje?'
perche non capiva.
E le unica mia droga adesso le preghiera, le amore di dio, le amore de prossimo".
Pascale Gryson-Selmeci, a married Brabantian and mother of family, testifies of her healing that occurred in Medjugorje Saturday August 3rd, after having communed at Mass. Suffering from leukoencephalopathy, a rare and incurable disease with symptoms appearing as those of Multiple Sclerosis, she participated in a pilgrimage organized at the end of July, in the event of the children’s festival. Patrick d’Ursel, one of the organizers, witnessed this healing.
According to witnesses, this habitant of Walloon Brabant was ill for 14 years, unspeakably. It was after having taken communion that Pascale felt a force. To the surprise of her husband and relatives, she began to speak and rise out of her chair! Patrick d’Ursel recollects Pascale’s testimony.
Spanish hockey player Litus Ballbe’s big dream was to play the Olympics, until a visit to Medjugorje gave him the call to be a priest. Now he is studying, but still his first dream has come true: His seminary has allowed him time for hockey, and on Monday he played at the London Olympics.