Veni, Creator Spíritus, mentes tuórum visita, imple supérna grátia, quae tu creásti péctora. | Come, Holy Ghost, Creator blest, Vouchsafe within our souls to rest; Come with Thy grace and heavenly aid And fill the hearts which Thou hast made. |
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Qui díceris Paráclitus, altíssimi donum Dei, fons vivus, ignis, cáritas, et spiritális únctio. | To Thee, the Comforter, we cry, To Thee, the Gift of God Most High, The Fount of life, the Fire of love, The soul's Anointing from above. |
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Tu septifórmis múnere, dígitus paternae déxterae, tu rite promíssum Patris, sermóne ditans gúttura. | The sevenfold gifts of grace are Thine, O Finger of the Hand Divine; True promise of the Father Thou, Who dost the tongue with speech endow. |
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Accénde lumen sénsibus; infunde amórem córdibus, infírma nostri córporis virtúte firmans pérpeti. | Thy light to every thought impart And shed Thy love in every heart; The weakness of our mortal state With deathless might invigorate. |
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Hostem repellas longius pacemque dones protinus; ductore sic te praevio vitemus omne noxium. | Our mortal foe afar repel, Grant us henceforth in peace to dwell; If Thou be our preventing guide, No evil can our steps betide. |
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Per te sciamus da Patrem noscamus atque Filium, te utriusque Spiritum credamus omni tempore. | Make Thou to us the Father known, Teach us the eternal Son to won And Thee, whose name we ever bless, Of both the Spirit, to confess. |
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Deo Patri sit gloria, et Filio qui a mortuis Surrexit, ac Paraclito, in saeculorum saecula. Amen. | All glory while the ages run Be to the Fother and the Son, Who rose from death; the same the Thee, O Holy Ghost, eternally. Amen. |