Pictures & Photos Gallery section contains folders with albums containing hundreds of photos from Medjugorje, some old paintings, pictures, and traditional images depicting Angels, Virgin Mary and Jesus Christ.
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Click on folders and thumbnails to view all images in corresponding folders
This gallery contains 5 root folders and 33 albums with total 1539 images
Gallery folder contains 26 albums with total 1283 images
This gallery folder contains hundreds of Medjugorje photos. The folder is organized by albums with photos from Medjugorje and closest surrounding area, which is interested for pilgrims. Also there are pictures taken during various occasions such as Christmas and New Years Eve, Easter, International Festival of Youth in Summer, Solemnity of Holy Cross on Krizevac Mountain, Anniversary of apparitions.
Gallery folder contains 2 albums with total 127 images
Folder with old images and traditional pictures of Jesus Christ.
Gallery folder contains 2 albums with total 66 images
Folder with old images and traditional pictures of Blessed Virgin Mary.
Gallery folder contains 2 albums with total 63 images
Old pictures with depictions of Angels.