Archbishop Allessandro D’Errico, Apostolic Nuncio to Bosnia and Herzegovina, gave statement about Medjugorje on March 18th at the end of 48th Bishop’s Conference of Bosnia and Herzegovina. In the statement broadcasted by Radio Mir Medjugorje, he amongst other things said: “Whenever I would meet Holy Father, he was always very much interested in Medjugorje. He was involved in everything, starting with the time when he was Head of Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith. He is aware that this is the issue of special importance, and he, as supreme authority of the Church, needs to give his precise statement about that matter. Holy Father is very much familiar with Medjugorje phenomenon; he even mentioned that to me personally. He knows about great deeds which are done in this territory by the priests, religious, franciscans, lay people. On the other side he asks himself how come there are such opposed information about that phenomenon.
That is why he wanted to establish this Commission that is on really high level. He wanted to establish this Commission in order for him to have broad picture about this matter, but according to the people who have highest qualities and skills. That is why he invited Cardinals, Bishops and experts from different parts of the world to be part of this Commission.
On March 17th it was officially announced that Chairman of this Commission is going to be Cardinal Ruini, very prestigious cardinal, who has great qualities, and also close associate to Holy Father, and his friend not only in this period while he is the pope. Cardinal Ruini is very much familiar with situation in Bosnia and Herzegovina; he especially knows the situation from the war period, when he used to be President of Bishop’s Conference of Italy. At that time, he brought decision that Italian Church and Bishop’s Conference of Italy become more involved in helping to all wounded nations in Bosnia and Herzegovina.
What is especially interesting, and shows Holy Father’s great sympathy for this country, is that he wanted this information about Commission to be announced publicly at the same time, both in Vatican as well as in Mostar, since Medjugorje is in territory of Mostar Diocese. I know well that media spoke a lot about this Commission for a longer period of time, and certain expectations were made. Today, we can say that we are pleased and grateful to Holy Father for this attention that he expressed towards Mostar and our Catholic communities. That is how I, on behalf of Holy Father, announced this decision on March 17th, at the same time when decision was announced in Rome. We understand that work of this Commission is going to be very demanding, and I would like to invite all of our communities to pray and to offer work of this Commission to St. Joseph and to Mary, Mother of Church, patron saints of Mostar.