Just like Her Son, Mary uses images mainly from nature, so that She may more easily express what it is that She desires.
In the pre-Christmas message of December 20, 1984, She invites every family to bring a flower to Church and to place it beside the manger of the crib as an expression of abandonment to Jesus. In the message of May 1, 1996, She expresses Her desire for every family to become a harmonious flower, which She wishes to give to Jesus, and for every individual to be a petal of this flower in the realization of Gods plans. She gave this message at the beginning of May, a month full of flowers and of enchanting beauty in nature. In this image, Mary expresses everything that She desires with our families and for family unity in general.
In April of 1993, She invites all of us to go into nature and to look at how nature is awakening so as to help us to open our hearts to God the Creator. Nature, which awakens from winter's sleep and awakens to a new life, is proof of the creative power of God and an inspiration to every heart and family, encouraging them to renewed hope and acceptance of life.
From the messages, it is clear to see where Mary is guiding the family and to what end She is educating it. Through Her protection and intercession, by the power of the spirit of God and the will of the Father, the family becomes a community of life, love and peace, a foretaste of heaven. It becomes the protection for the individual, and especially for children against a life without God.
Mary, the Mother of the family, and the Mother of the Church, cannot betray Her primary assignment, for by becoming the Mother of Jesus and the Mother of the Holy Family, She became the Mother of us all and the Mother of every family. Through Her intercession, God renews His 'small Church'. Wholehearted cooperation with Her gives birth to the ardently desired peace. Let it be so.
Fra Slavko Barbaric, OFM, 1997