Un breve estratto della trasmissione
Chiesa di San Giuseppe, Riva del Garda
EARLY MEDJUGORJE DOCUMENTARY 1991 "Tell The World Not To Wait, 10th Anniversary - A documentary about Medjugorje, made in 1991, immediately before civil war broke in the former Yugoslavia. The documentary is introduced by the late Fr. Richard Foley, SJ.
It hasn't snowed like this in Medjugorje since the 1950s check out IHS's footage of a Medjugorje Winter Wonderland.
Our Lord awaits us in the Eucharist. Let our praise and glory to the Blessed Sacrament never cease. - Bl. Pope John Paul II
We are ("two or three"), friends from Russia, Ukraine and Hungary made this documentary film about famous pilgrimage place Medjugorje (Bosnia&Hercegovina), where since 1981 pilgrims are coming because of the apparitions of Saint Mary. But this story is about "not pilgrimage", because girl going to this small town is going not as a pilgrim, believer or like that, but just as a curious person with a question "what does it mean - the apparitions of Saint Mary? how people feel it? why they coming here?" Name of the film partly tells about it "Where two or three are gathered together in My Name, there I am in the midst of them" (Matthew 18:20) Made in 2010.
Testimonianza di don Tonino,di ritorno da un'esperienza presso la Cittadella Cielo "Orizzonti di Pace" di Medjugorje, in Bosnia, della Comunità Nuovi Orizzonti 8-1-2012
Don Roberto Fiscer di Arenzano con i suoi ragazzi presentano i loro canti e le loro attività.
Don Roberto Fiscer with his youth presents their songs and their activities.
Mirjana ai pellegrini italiani dal balcone della sua casa