Medjugorje Website Updates - Medjugorje Videos
Selection of Quality Online Video
7° incontro regionale della Madonna Pellegrina di Schoenstatt in Sicilia 22 aprile 2012 Centro Gesù Liberatore, Margifaraci - Palermo
6 юни 2012 / Section:
Medjugorje Videos - Category:
Medjugorje Apparitions,
Wide screen
3 юни 2012 / Section:
Medjugorje Videos - Category:
Medjugorje Pilgrimages,
Music with pictures,
Wide screen,
Italian only
2 юни 2012 / Section:
Medjugorje Videos - Category:
Music with pictures,
Wide screen / Author:
Telegranda va in pellegrinaggio a Medjugorje per i 30 anni delle apparizioni
26 май 2012 / Section:
Medjugorje Videos - Category:
Medjugorje Pilgrimages,
Music with pictures
Intervista a Filippo Neviani, Nek, durante il 1° Meeting dei Cavalieri della Luce a Medjugorje dal 22 al 25 giugno 2011
18 май 2012 / Section:
Medjugorje Videos - Category:
Music with pictures,
Wide screen
Speciale con ospite in studio l'ex Top Model Ania Goledzinowska
18 май 2012 / Section:
Medjugorje Videos - Category:
Medjugorje Apparitions,
Wide screen
12 май 2012 / Section:
Medjugorje Videos - Category:
Music with pictures,
Wide screen
Da Rete4 - 21 marzo 2012
5 май 2012 / Section:
Medjugorje Videos - Category:
Music with pictures,
Song lyrics included,
Wide screen
So I took a plane to Medjugorje
To be with you
Mother Mary, Mother
Filling up this place
With hope of peace
Are you, are you here?
You're everywhere
Estratto dalla trasmissione di Rete 4 del 27 marzo 2012
28 април 2012 / Section:
Medjugorje Videos - Category:
Music with pictures,
Wide screen
Soprano marina murari cantando "Donna Vestita di Sole", "Preghero'" e "Signora Segli Angeli",di marzo 2011 - Desio
Marina Murari singing "Woman Clothed in the sun", "I'll pray '" and "Lady of the Angels" during March 2011 at Desio, Italy