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Video Interviste

28 settembre 2013 /  Categoria: Solo Italiano, Interviste, Wide screen
Radio Amore Rita Sberna Intervista Mara Santangelo

Mara Santangelo ex tennista professionista è reduce di una grande conversione in seguito ad un pellegrinaggio a Medjugorje.

28 luglio 2013 /  Categoria: Solo Italiano, Interviste, Wide screen
Radio Amore Rita Sberna Intervista Don Roberto Di Chiera

"Dallo sballo al sacerdozio".... Don Roberto ex sballato dipendente da molte robe.... adesso sacerdote ed evangelizzatore della Parola di Dio, fa parte della comunità Nuovi Orizzonti di Chiara Amirante.

23 settembre 2012 /  Categoria: Veggenti, Interviste
Qa Medjugorje Visionary Mirjana Dragicevic Soldo

Medjugorje visionary Mirjana Dragicevic-Soldo answers questions at the 2008 Annual Medjugorje Peace Conference in Irvine, California.

2 ottobre 2010 /  Categoria: Interviste, Testimonianze
David Parkes Miracle Healing In Medjugorje

David Parkes, the son of a successful band leader and trumpet player, born in Dublin, he wanted to be a professional soccer player. Several years ago, stared death in the face. A man with everything to live for: a young family, star professional footballer, and standing on the brink of a promising pop music career, he was diagnosed with severe Crohn's disease. Having endured ten major bowel operations, yet still in constant, debilitating pain, he was informed by his medical team that there was nothing more they could do for him.

16 agosto 2008 /  Categoria: Testimonianze, Interviste
Donald Callaway

Note: The book that Don Calloway speaks about is: "The Queen of Peace Visits Medjugorje", about the apparition site Medjugorje in Bosnia-Hercegovina, by Father Joseph A. Pelletier

24 novembre 2007 /  Categoria: Interviste
Slavko Barbaric Medjugorje In this video clip, the late Fr. Slavko shares some of his thoughts on Medjugorje.


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