In Word of Mary, a recently published book of the Italian author Luciano Moia, the preface was written by Cardinal Ersilio Tonini, retired archbishop of Ravenna, Italy. Here we are presenting a very condensed expression about Medjugorje in response to a question presented.
Question: "In all the places where there are apparitions, whether authentic or alleged, there exists an extraordinary incentive to devotion. There are visible conversions, return to a life of prayer, renewed discovery of the faith. One who has visited Medjugorje says that over there you can practically breathe faith, there is a palpable supernatural reality. In a society such as ours is, cold and indifferent, couldn't one indeed look upon that as either a little or a big miracle?"
Answer: "Yes, I know that is all being investigated. Thousands of pilgrims are coming to Medjugorje, they pray, they discover faith. It is a great gift and therefore we are grateful to God. But the Church waits before she pronounces her judgment. It is justifiable caution. Every doubtful matter has to be investigated, every uncertainty resolved. I personally think that the apprehensive wavering of the local bishop, together with all the nuances of various positions, must be a reason for consideration. It will still be necessary to await the official position of the Vatican. I trust in Christ's promise given to the apostles and to his successors till the end of the world: the judgment of the Church that is expressed in Christ's name, is the one that will convince me in the authenticity of individual apparitions or supernatural events."
Luciano Moia: Parola di Maria (Edizione Segno, Udine, 1996, p. 13)
Cardinal Emmanuel Wamala from Uganda visited Medjugorje and the beginning of July this year. On his return home he sent us a letter in which amongst other things he wrote:
".... The memories of my pilgrimmage to Medjugorje are alive in me still. My experience of that holy place I could summarise in three points: the prayer, the penance and the holding together in faith. It seems to me though that they are the important things to note there. You really have reason to be thankful to God. I too share your joy."
In May of '95 two cardinals visited Medjugorje: Cardinal Wamala from Uganda and Cardinal Margeot from the Mauritius Islands. On the occasion of his week long stay, Cardinal Wamala said:
"Reflecting on the trials that both my and your homeland are going through together with the whole of humanity, as a Cardinal I feel a need to recommend to everyone that we must continue to pray for peace in the world. Medjugorje is really a place for praying for peace. But we must at the same time know that prayer is not enough, we must also act so that peace will come about. Above all you who live here. This morning I was hit with the realisation that peace is within us. In Medjugorje I feel good, the climate is comfortable, the people are kind, pious, there is a special way to pray here, to talk and to love. This is truly a place where people can come to share their troubles with each other"
Cardinal Jean Margeot, retired bishop of Port Luisa on the Mauritius Islands, after a few days spent at the shrine said that he was leaving satisfied with what he had experienced here.
He is thought to be one of the deepest theologians of our time. He was a permanent member of the popes theological commission. He wrote a number of theological books and amendments. He is also known as an excellent director of spiritual retreats.
What a simply sad document you have despatched throughout the world! I was deeply hurt to see the office of Bishop degraded in this fashion. Instead of having patience as You were advised by Your superiors, You thunder and hurl jupiters arrows, blackening reknowned and innocent people, worthy of Your respect and protection. You repeatedly come up with accusations which have been proven untrue a hundred times over."
(Ljudevit Rupcic, 'The truth about Medjugorje', Ljubuski-Humac 1990.,page 134)
Famous the world over, mainly for his position against communism in the former state of Czechoslovakia. He has suffered much for the Catholic faith.
"I think that we here are indebted to the events of Medjugorje for this huge new springtime of our faith, that God has given us through Mary. Prayer and fasting, faith and conversion,and then the invitation to peace, this can only come from God. I have many people who have been on pilgrimmage to Medjugorje. They are full of hope, and willingness to testify and bear witness to their faith. I know many prayer groups who have shown me how they pray and fast, and this began in Medjugorje. The people are hungry and thirsty for the Word of God. And whenever people in whatever way set up obstacles, God always finds a way to seek out and gather His children together. I am deeply thankful to God for Medjugorje. And I think that it fits in very well to the seventieth anniversary of Our Lady's apparitions in Fatima, in this Marian year. Putting it simply, I hear very much, but I am always desirous of hearing more about Medjugorje. Oh how I would love to go on pilgrimmage to Medjugorje, and drink of this new water. Many of my faithful would love to do likewise..."
(Slavko Barbaric, Conversations, Sveta Bastina, Duvno 1990., page 182/183.)
"We bishops, after a three-year-long commission study accept Medjugorje as a holy place, as a shrine. This means that we have nothing against it if someone venerates the Mother of God in a manner also in agreement with the teaching and belief of the Church. . .Therefore, we are leaving that to further study. The Church does not hurry." (Glas Koncila, August 15, 1993)