Starting with Tuesday, June 15th when Novena to the Queen of Peace began, parishioners and pilgrims would meet every day at 4 p.m. at the Hill of Apparitions to pray the Rosary, as an act of special devotion to our God for all of the graces given through our Heavenly Mother. Evening prayer programme would start at 6 p.m. with prayer of the Rosary and with Holy Mass at 7 p.m. that was celebrated for first seven days by Medjugorje Franciscans. Professor and doctor, Fr. Tomislav Ivancic celebrated Holy Mass on last two days of Novena, as well as final Holy Mass on Anniversary day.
Pathways on the Hill of Apparitions and Cross Mountain were becoming too small with each day of Novena, as the number of pilgrims was becoming bigger every day.
Traditional Peace Walk that began on June 24th 1992 to mark the day when children first saw Our Lady with baby Jesus in her arms was bigger than ever before. Thousands of pilgrims walked from monastery in Humac in the procession with the Crucifix until reaching church of St. James in Medjugorje. Peace Walk began with blessing and prayer at 6 a.m. and after four and a half hours of walking in prayer and song they arrived to Medjugorje.
After regular evening prayer programme finished first pilgrims who walked to Medjugorje started to arrive. All of the roads leading to Medjugorje were packed with pilgrims who walked, many of them even in their bear feet. Although they were tired after walking, they were all eager for confession and celebration of Holy Mass that began at 5 a.m. and continued every hour. The area around the church turned into one great confessional space, and there were more than 400 priests concelebrating throughout the whole day.
In the afternoon, after the lecture that Fr. Tomislav held, Holy Mass followed and there were 210 priests from five different continents along with Provincial of Herzegovina Province, Fr. Ivan Sesar.
Prayer programme was simultaneously translated into various world languages, such as English, Italian, German, Spanish, French, Korean, Arabian, Slovakian, Polish, Hungarian, Russian, Portuguese, Czech, Romanian and Chinese.