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Medjugorje Photos of Summer
Medjugorje Photos of Summer
including pictures of Anniversary of Medjugorje Apparitions, 2008
September 12, 2008
Marek Gayer
Medjugorje Photos - Pictures Gallery
Gallery folder contains 296 images
Statue of Our Lady of Lourdes in Medjugorje
Statue of Our Lady of Lourdes in Medjugorje
Gospin Trg Square
Statue of Our Lady
Cross and Candles
Girls before Cross and Candles
St. James Church
Before St. James Church
Statue of Risen Christ
Statue of Risen Christ
Statue of Risen Christ
Towards the grave of Fr. Slavko Barbaric
Procession at Exterior Altar
Krizevac Mountain
Old House of Vicka
View at Krizevac from path to Apparition Hill
2.Joyful Mystery - The Visitation
2.Joyful Mystery - The Visitation
2.Joyful Mystery - The Visitation
Cross where the first call for peace was given by Our Lady
Cross where the first call for peace was given by Our Lady
4.Joyful Mystery - The Presentation
4.Joyful Mystery - The Presentation
View at Krizevac from the path to Podbrdo
5.Joyful Mystery - The Finding in the Temple
Approaching Podbrdo
Approaching Podbrdo
Before the Statue of Our Lady statue at Podbrdo
Meditating and praying at Podbrdo
Crucifix at Podbrdo
Crucifix at Podbrdo
Crucifix at Podbrdo
Gathering at Podbrdo
Cross at Pobrdo
Statue of Our Lady, Podbrdo
Drawing under the statue at Podbrdo
Statue of Our Lady, Podbrdo
Flowers under Statue of Our Lady, Podbrdo
Statue of Our Lady, Podbrdo
Statue of Our Lady, Podbrdo
Statue of Our Lady, Podbrdo
Way down from Medjugorje to Podbrdo
4.Joyful Mystery - The Presentation
Cross where the first call for peace was given by Our Lady
Cross where the first call for peace was given by Our Lady
Way down from Medjugorje to Podbrdo
View at Krizevac from path to Podbrdo
1.Joyful Mystery - The Annunciation
Way up from Medjugorje to Podbrdo
Stairways of old House of Vicka
Old Houses in Medjugorje
Road to Bijakovici
Staue at Cenacolo community, Campo Della Vita
Staue at Cenacolo community, Campo Della Vita
Angel picture at Cenacolo
Angel picture at Cenacolo
Picture at Cenacolo Chapel
Picture at Cenacolo Chapel
Picture at Cenacolo Chapel
Depiction of Sr. Elvira
Depiction of Sr. Elvira
Hall at Cenacolo
Picture of Jesus at a hall in Cenacolo
Picture of Jesus at a hall in Cenacolo
Sr. Elvira picture at Cenacolo
Sr. Elvira picture at Cenacolo
Statue of Our Lady, Cenacolo
Statue of Our Lady, Cenacolo
Angel picture at Cenacolo Chapel
Cenacolo Chapel
Cenacolo Houses
Statue at Cenacolo
Angel picture at Cenacolo
Angel picture at Cenacolo
Well at Cenacolo
Church in Bijakovici
Statue of Our Lady
Statue of Our Lady
Flowers and title below statue Our Lady
Statue of Our Lady
St. James Church
Before exterior altar
St. James Church
Cross and Candles
Gospa Square
Statue of Our Lady was made by Dino Felici, from a famous town of marble, Carrara
Exterior altar during evening
St. James Church at evening
St. James Church at evening
Praying and singing before Statue of Our Lady statue at Gospa Square
St. James Church at evening
St. Leopold Mandic Statue
St. James Church at evening
Gospa Box
Praying before exterior altar
Statue of Our Lady with flowers
Statue of Our Lady with flowers
Statue of Our Lady with flowers
Statue of Our Lady with flowers
Confessionals before church
Confessionals before church
St. James Church
Language cards
St. Leopold Mandic Statue
St. James Church
St. James Church
Statue of Our Lady
St. James Church
St. James Church
Statue of Our Lady
Statue of Our Lady and St. James Church
Statue of Our Lady and St. James Church
St. James Church
Picture of Our Lady of Medjugorje
Picture of Jesus
Picture of Our Lady
Picture of Our Lady of Medjugorje
St. James Church
Statue of Our Lady in St. James Church
Statue of Our Lady in St. James Church
Statue of Our Lady in St. James Church
Statue of Our Lady in St. James Church
Windows at St. James Church
St. James Church
Our Lady picture, exterior altar
Kovacica cemetery
Slavko Barbaric
View at Krizevac from Kovacica
Krizevac from Kovacica
A seminar at Dvorana hall
Statue of Our Lady in St. James Church
Statue of Our Lady in St. James Church
Statue of Our Lady in St. James Church
Statue of Our Lady in St. James Church
Statue of Our Lady, Gospa Square
A confession before the church
A confession before the church
A confession before the church
A confession before the church
Before the church
A confession before the church
Exterior Altar
Exterior Altar
Waiting for Holy Communion
Holy Communion
St. James Church
Statue of Gospa
Statue of Gospa
Statue of Gospa
Statue of Gospa
Statue of Gospa
Gospa Square
Statue of Gospa
Gospa Square
Exterior Altar
Prayer Area
Kovacica Cemetary
Kovacica Cemetary
Kovacica Cemetary
Mass at Exterior Altar
Mass at Exterior Altar
Mass at Exterior Altar
Before the Church
A confession in Medjugorje
Mass at Exterior Altar
A confession in Medjugorje
A confession in Medjugorje
Before the Church
A confession in Medjugorje
A confession in Medjugorje
Flowers before Our Lady statue
Praying before Our Lady statue
Prayer Are before Church
St. James Church
Gathering before exterior Altar
Exterior Altar
Roads to Podbrdo
Roads to Podbrdo
Castle of Patrick and Nancy
Castle of Patrick and Nancy
Castle of Patrick and Nancy
Castle of Patrick and Nancy
Castle of Patrick and Nancy
Castle of Patrick and Nancy
Castle of Patrick and Nancy
Castle of Patrick and Nancy
Castle of Patrick and Nancy
Castle of Patrick and Nancy
Castle of Patrick and Nancy
Angel and turtles at Castle of Patrick and Nancy
Statue of Our Lady Castle of Patrick and Nancy
Castle of Patrick and Nancy
Statue of Our Lady statue at Castle of Patrick and Nancy
Statue of Our Lady statue at Castle of Patrick and Nancy
Statue of Jesus at Castle of Patrick and Nancy
Statue of Jesus at Castle of Patrick and Nancy
Statue of Our Lady and Jesus at Castle of Patrick and Nancy
Statue of Our Lady and Jesus at Castle of Patrick and Nancy
Chapel at Castle of Patrick and Nancy
Infant Jesus of Prague Statue at Castle of Patrick and Nancy
St. Therese Statue at Castle of Patrick and Nancy
Statue of Our Lady and Jesus at Castle of Patrick and Nancy
Castle of Patrick and Nancy
Drawing at Castle of Patrick and Nancy
Statue of Our Lady, Castle of Patrick and Nancy
Statue of Our Lady, Castle of Patrick and Nancy
Castle of Patrick and Nancy
Castle of Patrick and Nancy
Castle of Patrick and Nancy
Castle of Patrick and Nancy
Castle of Patrick and Nancy
Castle of Patrick and Nancy
Castle of Patrick and Nancy
Castle of Patrick and Nancy
Castle of Patrick and Nancy
Castle of Patrick and Nancy
Statue of Our Lady, Oasis of Peace
Statue of Our Lady, Oasis of Peace
Statue of Our Lady, Oasis of Peace
Palm, Oasis of Peace
Oasis of Peace Chapel
Church at Bijakovici
Statues of Mary
Statues of Mary
Church at Bijakovici
Approaching the Blue cross area
The Blue Cross
Praying before the Blue Cross
Our Lady statue at the Blue Cross
Our Lady statue at the Blue Cross
Our Lady statue at the Blue Cross
Our Lady statue at the smaller Blue Cross
Our Lady statue at the smaller Blue Cross
Our Lady statue at the smaller Blue Cross
Our Lady statue at the smaller Blue Cross
Our Lady statue at the Blue Cross
Our Lady statue at the Blue Cross
Our Lady statue at the Blue Cross
Our Lady statue at the Blue Cross
Praying to Our Lady statue at the Blue Cross
Our Lady statue at the smaller Blue Cross
Praying at Blue Cross area
Our Lady statue at the Blue Cross area
Our Lady statue at the Blue Cross area
The Blue Cross area
Praying at Blue Cross area
Path from Blue Cross to Podbrdo
5.Glorious Mystery - The Coronation
Medjugorje from the way from the Blue Cross to Podbrdo
2.Glorious Mystery - The Ascension
1.Glorious Mystery - The Resurrection
Statue of Our Lady statue at Podbrdo
Statue of Our Lady statue at Podbrdo
Statue of Our Lady statue at Podbrdo
Statue of Our Lady statue at Podbrdo
Praying before the statue of Our Lady statue at Podbrdo
Praying before the statue of Our Lady statue at Podbrdo
Praying before the statue of Our Lady statue at Podbrdo
Statue of Our Lady statue at Podbrdo
Crucifix at Podbrdo
Crucifix at Podbrdo
Crucifix at Podbrdo
Statue of Our Lady statue at Podbrdo
Statue of Our Lady statue at Podbrdo
Way down from Podbrdo
Way down from Podbrdo
1.Joyful Mystery - The Annunciation
1.Joyful Mystery - The Annunciation
Statues of Mary
Bijakovici and the way to Podbrdo
Sheeps and Krizevac
Sheeps and Krizevac
Crucifixes for sale in Medjugorje
Crucifixes for sale in Medjugorje
Crucifixes for sale in Medjugorje
Gathering at 25 June
Gathering at 25 June
Gathering at 25 June
Gathering at 25 June
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